Writing Through Crisis and Other Well-being Practices

S.A. Snyder
2 min readMay 26, 2020


Why do I write? The question was recently posed to me and other guest writers on Christi Craig’s blog. One of the gifts writing provides is the power of transformation. At a young age, I discovered that writing about difficult experiences was a lot easier than talking about them. Have you ever kept a journal or written your soul through difficulties? You don’t have to be a writer to journal, and you definitely don’t have to share your writing with anyone else. With our world in crisis, now is a good time to try writing your way through these challenging times. Writing is an easy and powerful way to transform difficult experiences into ones you can better cope with or understand. Think of writing as free therapy for the soul.

In other self-care news, Sara Avant Stover is offering a free online workshop: 6 Well-being Practices to Start Today. It begins this Wednesday, May 27, 5–6:30 PM, Pacific (8–9:30 PM, Eastern). Sara also has other online workshops and webinars, online retreats, and other classes.

If you’re looking for a little pick-me-up, check out inspiring videos on KarmaTube. I like this short music video about how we don’t have to be superheroes to save ourselves from destruction. Kind words and good deeds go a long way toward creating a world of love.

Join the Moral March on Washington. Billed as the poor people’s campaign, the event draws attention to the unfathomable inequities in America and invites us to change the narrative through peaceful action, to help transform our society from a “war economy” to a “peace economy.” The website has a toolkit, videos, and other information for how you can be a part of truly making America great again, that is, creating an empathic society that leaves no one behind.

If you have ideas or strategies you’d like to share about reinventing how to improve the lives of all, send me an email. I’ll write about them in future posts.

Be well!

Originally published at https://www.lunarivervoices.com on May 26, 2020.

